This is a truly revolutionary and luxurious accessory designed to help with a problem that everybody male and female eventually suffers from. The soft, satin anti-wrinkle pillow has been sold successfully since 2003 on line and in beauty salons. Our satin anti wrinkle side sleeper pillow was one of the first to identify the need to over come sleep lines/wrinkles. The Beauty Pillow product is suitable for both sexes that want to wake up to a more beautiful, less wrinkled tomorrow.
It is well known that sleeping on satin is the ultimate sleep luxury. Film stars have used satin material for years to maintain their flawless skin. In particular the glamorous fashion icon Marilyn Monroe often mentioned that her trick to keeping a youthful face was her trusty satin pillow that reduced any chance of sleep wrinkles creeping in. Today the technologically enhanced Beauty Pillow has taken the luxurious material and anti-wrinkle concept to a new level by adding multi layers which allows the pillow to slide and flow with your facial skin, preventing the dreaded face drag that over time results in deep wrinkle.
Our smaller than average pillow is designed to be placed under your face so the movement of satin is not hindered by your shoulder. This is what you can expect from your Beauty Pillow: Between ages 18-25 you may stop lines from being formed… Between ages 25-35 night lines may be reduced in depth… From 35 onward your skin should look less stressed when you wake. so if the information we have given you, why not add The Beauty Pillow to your anti aging regime.

Suitable for both sexes that what to wake to a more beautiful less wrinkled tomorrow….
It is well known that sleeping on satin pillows is the ultimate in sleep luxury, film star has used them for years.
Now the multilayer Beauty Pillow technology takes that concept to a new level our smaller the average pillow designed to be placed under your face so the movement of satin is not stopped by your shoulder.
This is what you can expect from your Beauty Pillow:
Between ages 18-25 you may stop lines from being formed.
Between ages, 25-35 night lines may be reduced in depth.
From 35 onwards your skin should look less stressed when you wake.
We all know that repeated squinting leads to crow’s feet and frowning or smiling causes deep lines. Although these initially disappear during the day eventually the repetition can cause them to become permanent.
Just in the same way pillowcase stress causes creases and lines which can eventually become permanent wrinkles in the face and loss of moisture and abrasion can lead to hair breakage.
The Beauty Pillow solves all of these problems by sitting on top of your favourite pillow, making it ideal for travelling, giving you a soft flowing satin base for a truly therapeutic and stress-crease free night’s sleep.
As you move, the multilayer technology allows the surface of the pillow to move with your face (unlike the normal pillow which simply creates stress to your skin and hair during sleep),